Ionic Starter Messenger

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Ionic Starter Messenger

Ionic Starter Messenger is for building up your social media app quickly and beautifully with ionicframework. The structure of the starter is based on Facebook Messenger.


Demo URL:

it's work with web browser, hosting at firebase.

Demo account:

password: messenger

You can login with your own social account or email.

Firebase V3.0 signInWithPopup/Redirect problem

Currently Firebase V3 auth's signInWithPopup/Redirect do not work in cordova apps, you can check discuss at:!msg/firebase-talk/mC_MlLNCWnI/cL0OnL4hAwAJ

On next firebase version, these problem may fixed. I create another project that use cordova plugin solve the problem. Take a look at:

Ionic Starter Firebase package can download free, if you already buy Ionic Starter Messenger.

Download Files

1. Static version run with local service data, the download file name:

2. Firebase version, download file name:

3. Addition ionic-starter-firebase file:


1. Firebase integrate, from version 1.1, this starter provide Firebase integrate version;

2. Quality sample data, so you can integrate with other service easily;

3. 12 Templates, well designed according to ionic component theory;

4. Search demo with angular filter;

Using this project

Use Ionic CLI for installation, and make sure that node.js is installed in your workspace. More info:

Local sample data version

This project default work with local sample data. So you can use ionc command line tool run the project:


$ cd to/your/project

$ ionic serve


Firebase version

Firebase integrate as separate version of this project, so download firebase version and replace firebase api setting at index.html:


var config = {

apiKey: "your api key here",

authDomain: "your api domain",

databaseURL: "your api database url",

storageBucket: "your api storage url",



then run:


$ ionic serve


Add to your project

if you want setting this starter work with your exist project, you should install some library:


$ bower install angularfire --save

$ bower install angular-messages --save

$ bower install angular-md5 --save

$ bower install angular-moment --save


and add library at index.html:


<!-- angular messages -->

<script src="lib/angular-messages/angular-messages.min.js"></script>

<!-- Firebase -->

<script src="lib/firebase/firebase.js"></script>

<!-- AngularFire -->

<script src="lib/angularfire/dist/angularfire.min.js"></script>

<!-- Angular md5 -->

<script src="lib/angular-md5/angular-md5.min.js"></script>

<!-- angular-moment -->

<script src="lib/moment/moment.js"></script>

<script src="lib/angular-moment/angular-moment.min.js"></script>


inject it at app.js:


angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ngMessages', 'firebase', 'angular-md5', 'angularMoment', ...


## Templates

1. Login & Sign up: Include entire steps of sign up and forgot password;

2. Tab Activities: List your latest activities;

3. Tab Groups: List all of your groups;

4. Tab Friends: List all of your friends, and check who is online;

5. Tab Account: Set your account;

6. Room: Type a message and be replied in a room;

7. Room Setting: To see who is in the room, you can leave or invite new friend;

8. Search: Search for friends and conversation with Angular filter;

9. New Chat & New Group: Start a new chat with one of your friend or create a new group.

and more…


1. Hiding status bar at startup on iOS: Modify your app's Info.plist, Set "Status bar is initially hidden" to "YES" and set "View controller-based status bar appearance" to "NO". Please see the document:

2. Change App icon and Splash: Change the two files: /resources/icon.psd & /resources/splash.psd, then generate: ```$ ionic resources```


1. image upload, so can send image chat, setting avatar;

2. database and storage rules;

3. better loading process;

4. better document;

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Ionic Starter Messenger

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